torsdag 31. juli 2014

Germanic through Televition

This is interesting. I just read a Norwegian case where they did not want Swedish TV to be dubbed into Norwegian. The reason is that: The main reason most Norwegians understand Swedish so well is because of the Norwegian media sends Swedish shows all the time.

I gave this a thought a few times.
We have Swedish, Danish and English televition in Norway. People still go to school to learn English. But this opened up a new idea in my head.
I will use a Norwegian person as an exemple, just because I am.

Let me see. I watch Norwegian, Danish and Swedish. I will understand. (This is why I speak Swedish and Danish) But later I can watch Elvdalish and Feroese and slowly understand. When I understand Feroese I can watch Icelandic televition, slowly understand it. Now I understand all the Nordic languages.
So what now?
Let's say I Start watching Frisian, When understanding all the Nordic languages it is easy to learn. When I know Frisian I watch Duch and English and will understand them just as fast as the other languages. Than I can learn Africaans. Now that I understand Duch and and all the Nordic languages, understanding German is easy. Now I can understand all the official Germanic languages.
Unofficial languages like: Flemish, Low Saxon, Low German, Old High German, Scots and other languages taht are dead will also be pice of cake, but they are not as important. Frisian not being important, still is the bridge between the Nordic languages, English and Duch.

Sounds like a lot of languages?
Remember! This is not about learning the languages, it is about understanding them. When you understand a language, you can communicate. If you are native to any of thise languages, your country could have done the same, but it is easier if you live in Scandinavia.. A German go about understanding: Duch - Frisian - Africaans - English - Norwegian - Swedish - Danish - Feroese - Icelandic - and also Elvdalsh, all though it is a VERY small language. It would take a bit more time since German is not as simmilar to one language alone. But I am sure I can learn how to understang German perfectly if I watch German televition everyday in a few months.

Speaking languages that are not in the Germanic family tree is not as easy. But Let's say this same person made an effort in watching French televition for 6 months. He will understand it perfectly, than he can do the same with Italian, it will go faster this time, than with Spanish, it will take about the same time. But there it stops. Romanian and Portogese are too different, though it is possible, it will take years, unless you studdy the languages.

I will also add one more thing. There are many that think they can learn Japanese only by watching Anime. This is all wrong. You might learn a few words, but unless you are a Korean, you cannot even learn to understand the language without studdy it at the same time.

Alltough this was about understanding, learning the languages you want, gets easier and the more languages you know, the easier it gets to lern a new one. English, Spanish and French are the main World languages, though Chinese is becoming one.

New WorLd blogs P.O.R.S 2014

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